Dr. Arzi Adbi
Nonmarket Strategy Published Papers:
Adbi, A., Chatterjee, C., and Mishra, A. (2022). “How do MNEs and Domestic Firms Respond Locally to a Global Demand Shock? Evidence from a Pandemic.” Management Science, Forthcoming. (Read)
Lee M., Adbi A., and Singh J (2020). “Categorical Cognition and Outcome Efficiency in Impact Investing Decisions.” Strategic Management Journal, 41(1): 86-107. (Read)
Singh J., Dutt P., and Adbi A (2021). “Microfinance and Entrepreneurship at the Base of the Pyramid.” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Forthcoming (Read)
Topics: Integrated Strategy ; Social Impact
Adbi A., Chatterjee C., Cortland C., Kinias Z., and Singh J (2021). “Women’s Disempowerment and Preferences for Skin Lightening Products that Reinforce Colorism: Experimental Evidence from India.” Psychology of Women Quarterly, 45(2): 178-193. (Read)
Topics: Social Impact
Adbi A., Bhaskarabhatla A., and Chatterjee C (2020). “Stakeholder Orientation and Market Impact: Evidence from India.” Journal of Business Ethics, 161(2): 479-496. (Read)
Adbi A., Liu X., and Mishra A (2021). “Technology Licensing and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Developing Economies.” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Forthcoming” (Read)
Topics: Public-Private Interface ; Integrated Strategy
Adbi A., Chatterjee C., Drev M, and Mishra A (2019). “When the Big One Came: A Natural Experiment on Demand Shock and Market Structure in India’s Influenza Vaccine Markets.” Production and Operations Management, 28(4): 810-832. (Read)
Working Papers
Adbi, A., Lee, M., and Singh, J. “Peer Influence, Strategic Discretion, and Loan Repayment in Community Lending: Evidence from Indian Demonetization” (Read)
Topics: Social Impact ; Integrated Strategy
Adbi, A., and Bhaskarabhatla A., “Small Packs in the Bottom of the Pyramid: Price, Product Variety, and Performance” (Read)
Topics: Social Impact ; Integrated Strategy