Dr. Aseem Kaul
Nonmarket Strategy Published Papers:
Dorobantu, S., Kaul, A., and Zelner B. 2017. ‘Non-Market Strategy Research Through the Lens of New Institutional Economics: An Integrative Review and Future Directions’ Strategic Management Journal 38: 114-140 (Read)
Kaul, A., and Luo, J. 2018. ‘An Economic Case for CSR: The Comparative Efficiency of For-Profit Firms in Meeting Consumer Demand for Social Goods’, Strategic Management Journal, 39: 1650-1677 (Read)
Topics: Social Impact ; Strategic CSR ; Alternate Organizational Forms
Luo, J., Kaul, A., and Seo. H. 2018. ‘Winning us with Trifles: Adverse Selection in the use of Philanthropy as Insurance’, Strategic Management Journal, 39: 2591-2617 (Read)
Topics: Social Impact ; Strategic CSR
Luo, J., and Kaul, A*. 2019. ‘Private Action in Public Interest: The Comparative Governance of Social Issues’, Strategic Management Journal, 40(4): 476-502 (Read)
Berry, H., Kaul, A., and Lee, N. ‘Follow the smoke: The pollution haven effect in global sourcing’ Strategic Management Journal forthcoming (Read)
Topics: Social Impact ; Integrated Strategy
Seo, H., Luo, J., and Kaul, A. 2018. ‘Giving a little to many or a lot to a few? The benefits of variety in corporate philanthropy’ Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (STR Division) (Read)
Topics: Social Impact ; Strategic CSR
Working Papers
Kaul, A. and Luo, L. “From Social Responsibility To Social Impact: A Framework and Research Agenda” (Read)
Topics: Social Impact ; Strategic CSR
Mohliver, A.C., Crilly, D., and Kaul, A. “Corporate Social Counterpositioning: How Attributes of Social Issues Influence Competitive Response” (Under 2nd review) (Read)
Topics: Social Impact ; Strategic CSR ; Activism and Social Movements